It's been a while I didn't write any story of my babies. First of all, in taking care new babies kind of putting them in ICU ward because they do really need Intensive Care for first 3 months as survival period in new world. Why is that? For new baby was born, they don't have immune strength to help them fight for any disease or any healthy problem.
So I really need to take care this 2 hatchlings very careful and always keep on eyes if there any symptoms of sickness comes up. Its been a month since I have them on 26 June 2008 and yes, one of my babies been attacked somewhat with eyes problem where I have no idea why suddenly she closed her eyes and when sometimes she opened her eyes I saw red line meaning that her eyes got infection (maybe from chlorine water tap) and makes her eyes swelling also not eating.
In order to fixed the situation, I went to pharmacy and buy the Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil (the plain original) and put some at my baby eyes with q-tip. I do that for three times a day and after 3 days she started to open her eyes back! That time I felt so happy and more happy because she also want to eat pellets as regular. Fiuhh.. I saved my baby~!
Oh not to forget, since the water from the tap is treated with chlorine so I buy anti-chlorine solution and put in my babies and adults turtle tank.
This is picture of her getting better and healthier.
This is both of them. Actually the sick one (right side) have another sick problem where her shell is not healthy and looking good. I'll post another story later about her shell condition.