Currently they live in kiddie pool where I place them outside my house at the porch. They have quite large swimming space and the water level is 5 inch deep. Inside the pool I decorate with plastic grass, plastic aquatic plant, river rocks, crystal colored stones and large driftwood for them to bask on it and rest on it after tired swimming. Basically they love their 'home' and always seen them basking most of the time and swimming around.
For their diet, I feed them with Nutrafin Pellets which made only for turtles, vegies such lettuce, fruits like mango, banana, guava, dried shrimps, fish flakes and cuttlebone.
One day I will be buy them a big tank with real plant and decorate the tank like real pond. They will have a filters to clean up the waters, heater for good water temperature, good basking light for their shell.
welcome totto and totti..
akhirnye ade gak org wat blog psl kekura nye.. huhu
hehe.. perli ke pe tu? Tapi not all the story about my turtles maybe I will add some others things about me or anything laa.. huhuhu..
Totto & Totti Azfar bela ke, mak yang bela...serasi betulle..
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