"Proper lighting is a critical aspect of RES keeping and is generally misunderstood and overlooked. Normally, natural sunlight provides beneficial elements necessary for healthy turtles. There are three main elements provided by correct lighting: UVA rays, UVB rays and heat."
~~Credits to www.redearslider.com
Stage 4 is building the lighting stand for the habitat. Since the tank is place indoor so my turtles need the essential lighting. In order to fix the clamp light, I ask my brother to design a lighting stand to accommodate the height of tank and basking area and again, this lighting stand also custom-made. The picture will show how it looks like :D I think it made from steel.
I would love to paint it in pink color but my brother didn't allow me to do that ;( huh!

Here the parts to hand the clamp light. The UVB bulb n UVA bulb
As you can see, the lighting stand can be adjust the high

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