So here is the first setup I've made for the basking area is made from chicken wire that I cut and zip all angle make like a box. Then I spray it with pink color. Why pink? I love pink color, look sweets and feminine for my 3 turtles as they all females ;) hihi.. and for the platform, I used the green dishwasher but the soft one so that it won't scratch my turtles plastron or their legs. As for the basking ramp, I used soap dish which I turn it down and glue the green sponge. I also put some fake plants and flower at their basking area for more natural look and pretty. Here the pictures..
Kiki give a pose while I'm taking this picture.. so cute~!
After some try and error of using the green sponge at the basking ramp, I don't think so using it is a good choice because when the sponge getting old its makes the water dirty where all the turtles stool or any leftover food will stick at it and the green thread and always stuck at my intake filter. Huh! So after doing some research in my best ever turtle forum in the net so I found using plexiglass much more better as it can be bend and can cut at any size I want. Here I have the plexiglass already bend for me (my brother help me bend it using the hot bend thingy), glass sealant and small river rocks.

Tadaa~! This is the result how the basking ramp looks like. Since I'm lazy at that moment, I just line the glue as stairs for my turtles easy to go up at the basking area.
But another problem rise up as the green sponge at the basking area doesn't last long, again a few chunks of it stuck in my intake filter.. how it happen? when my turtles goes up and down, they tend to pull it and hold the sponge until the sponge tear off, the pieces of it got stuck in my intake filter. The glue lines I made as a stair also didn't turn out so good where Kiki and Riri find it fun to bite it, pull it and chew it~! ho~! (see above picture) I was wondering, where is it gone? Oh my God, they eat the silicone glue~! Thank God, the glue didn't harm my turtles (I hope so?) because they pooped back as they can't digest it. Then I buy another piece of plexiglass then I make new basking area platform and glue all the surface with small river rocks and entire of basking ramp!
My turtles are fast learner I think.. hihi.. because they already get used to the new improved basking area after 48 hours I setup the whole basking area. Every steps or changes that I made at their basking ramp and platform, I make sure all the glue and rocks are firms and tight before I place them. I soak the whole stuff inside soap water for whole night to make all the glue smell gone and theres nothing chemical left on it. Atleast the each step takes 2 days before putting it at the place.
I think thats all for now. I'll update more about my turtles tank in future.
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