Last post I've not mentioned what kind of this new turtle I got.. after searching some information from friends around the world.. huhu.. here we go.. she is the Malayan Box Turtle a.k.a Ambonian or Cuora Amboinensis an Exotic Freshwater Turtles. Right now she is 11 months year old.
So far, I have no problem having her as new turtle.. is just for first 3 days, she won't eat anything I feed her. Maybe she just too scared because the new environment and new friends around her. Before this, she was put in a fish tank with big big fish and dirty water like so green and smelly even the tank got filtration.. Haiyoo.. once I got her, I cleaned up her shell and put her in the tank with other my 2 RES, Totto and Totti.
Right now she doing great where she want me to hand feed her. Owh ya, not to forget, the owner before this used to feed her cat food~! the biscuit cat food~! What a crazy man. Hahaha... No more cat food.. now her diet same as my other turtles where I give her Nutrafin Pellets, some krill (once a week), and lettuce. I think she try to adjust the diet and can accept the food.
I really want to keep this turtle!
New Turtle~!
Isn't she cute?! Hehe... I just got this new turtle from the person who no longer can taking care of her. I do not know what kind of this turtle yet but I will find it soon~! and I think this turtle is female because she got short nails and tail.. huhuhu...
What makes me amazed about this lil turt is dat she can hide herself inside the shell completely~! You can't even see her tail or legs or head.. Forsake to post the picture, she allow me to take her picture and give some pose.. hehe..
What makes me amazed about this lil turt is dat she can hide herself inside the shell completely~! You can't even see her tail or legs or head.. Forsake to post the picture, she allow me to take her picture and give some pose.. hehe..
My handsome Totto... see the middle picture... Totto can makes my heart melts.. ~!!

This is lovely sweetie Totti... lately she been piggy~! eating so much!

This is lovely sweetie Totti... lately she been piggy~! eating so much!
My cutest babies~! this 26 September 2008 they will be 3 months~! yeay... Hmm no name yet!
Totto and Totti resting at basking ramp...
The babies also hang at their resting ramp.. They grown up~~!
Turtles Pool!

Here I want to show the stages of my turtles pool which I begin with 10 gallons kiddie pool with some colored rocks, plastic green grass, fake plant and also 2 huge driftwoods for basking platform.
After 2 months using that 10 gallons kiddie pool, my turtles grown up and I had to put them in big pool to give them spacious swimming area. Now they have 60 gallons pool with the same decorations and additional of river rocks.
Why I used the kiddie pool? because my mum didn't allow me to buy a big tank for my turtles because we don't have any space in the house to put them. So as alternative, I use the kiddie pool and place them outside the house on the porch. The benefits from it, my turtles got such a real life out there with indirectly sunlight everyday and I don't have to buy those UVB and UVA lights for them.
Complete Setup!
Yeay~! Finally my turtles got their own tank with all the basic equipment they needed. I place their tank at my rental apartment. So the tank is temporary and give a little space swimming room for them. They also have the basking area which still under construction where I still need to improve the floor of the cage. My turtles don't like the pink foam pad where I put it for them. They hate it so much. Totti already bite every edge of the foam pad!~ thank god she pooped back. hehehe...
Owh ya, not forgetting my hatchlings tank also I do some renovation where I make the basking platform also the rest ramp for them. I've made it from styrofoam and I glue the green sponge to it and stick those basking platform and rest ramp inside at the tank wall.
Story of my babies
It's been a while I didn't write any story of my babies. First of all, in taking care new babies kind of putting them in ICU ward because they do really need Intensive Care for first 3 months as survival period in new world. Why is that? For new baby was born, they don't have immune strength to help them fight for any disease or any healthy problem.
So I really need to take care this 2 hatchlings very careful and always keep on eyes if there any symptoms of sickness comes up. Its been a month since I have them on 26 June 2008 and yes, one of my babies been attacked somewhat with eyes problem where I have no idea why suddenly she closed her eyes and when sometimes she opened her eyes I saw red line meaning that her eyes got infection (maybe from chlorine water tap) and makes her eyes swelling also not eating.
In order to fixed the situation, I went to pharmacy and buy the Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil (the plain original) and put some at my baby eyes with q-tip. I do that for three times a day and after 3 days she started to open her eyes back! That time I felt so happy and more happy because she also want to eat pellets as regular. Fiuhh.. I saved my baby~!
Oh not to forget, since the water from the tap is treated with chlorine so I buy anti-chlorine solution and put in my babies and adults turtle tank.
This is picture of her getting better and healthier.
This is both of them. Actually the sick one (right side) have another sick problem where her shell is not healthy and looking good. I'll post another story later about her shell condition.
2 Female Hatchlings
Its been a long time I decided to have new turtles though I already have 2 turtles. I want it badly because they are so cute and makes me crazy thinking of their cute little face..haha.. So I went to Aquatic Store near my house and buy 2 hatchlings turtles for RM16 for two. They are totally cute.. yeay~! After I buy the babies then I told my boyfriend and my parent.. hehe.. they quite suprised and little angry.. haha.. now they fine.
Its been 3 days since I got the baby turtles.
But one of my babies looks like have some white spots or fungus at her skin and her shell also looks not pretty good which have some black spot though I know she going to shed her shell soon. In order to fix the problem... I had fixed my table lamp because the bulb is broken and change the bulb (not actually new bulb, is just my dad found in his store and give it to me).. the table lamp not for me to use for study matter but for my babies.. haha.. The light is substitute for sunlight to them basking and give some heat to them in that small aquarium..
Its been 3 days since I got the baby turtles.
But one of my babies looks like have some white spots or fungus at her skin and her shell also looks not pretty good which have some black spot though I know she going to shed her shell soon. In order to fix the problem... I had fixed my table lamp because the bulb is broken and change the bulb (not actually new bulb, is just my dad found in his store and give it to me).. the table lamp not for me to use for study matter but for my babies.. haha.. The light is substitute for sunlight to them basking and give some heat to them in that small aquarium..
The small aquarium made only for hatchling which have small bridge and base for them to basking.. I hope my sick baby will get better soon.
I feed my babies with Nutrafin pellets made for turtles, some dried shrimp, cuttlebone (rich with calcium and good for shell) and fresh lettuce.
Totto & Totti the RES
First of all let me introduce my turtles/terrapins/tortoise. They are the Red Ear Sliders (RES) and scientific name are Trachemys scripta elegans. I have 2 turtles namely Totto the male 2 years age and Totti the female 1 year 9 months age.
Currently they live in kiddie pool where I place them outside my house at the porch. They have quite large swimming space and the water level is 5 inch deep. Inside the pool I decorate with plastic grass, plastic aquatic plant, river rocks, crystal colored stones and large driftwood for them to bask on it and rest on it after tired swimming. Basically they love their 'home' and always seen them basking most of the time and swimming around.
For their diet, I feed them with Nutrafin Pellets which made only for turtles, vegies such lettuce, fruits like mango, banana, guava, dried shrimps, fish flakes and cuttlebone.
Currently they live in kiddie pool where I place them outside my house at the porch. They have quite large swimming space and the water level is 5 inch deep. Inside the pool I decorate with plastic grass, plastic aquatic plant, river rocks, crystal colored stones and large driftwood for them to bask on it and rest on it after tired swimming. Basically they love their 'home' and always seen them basking most of the time and swimming around.
For their diet, I feed them with Nutrafin Pellets which made only for turtles, vegies such lettuce, fruits like mango, banana, guava, dried shrimps, fish flakes and cuttlebone.
One day I will be buy them a big tank with real plant and decorate the tank like real pond. They will have a filters to clean up the waters, heater for good water temperature, good basking light for their shell.
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