Yeay~!! Finally I found the most precious item for my turtles that is UVB bulb~! I thought this bulb do not exist in my country, Malaysia but they do supply this item in Malaysia. What a relief~! Fiuhh... It tooks me 2 years of research and searching this kind of bulb through local website, ebay, lelong, yellowpages, contacts address and numbers in Malaysia. With help from my respectful Red Ear Slider - Turtle Talk Forum, I managed to gather all the information and the outcome is the best bulb available:

Exo Terra Repti Glo 5.0 26 watt UVB Bulb
Exo Terra is reputable brand. They do have retailers in Malaysia that is Rolf C. Hagen (SEA) Sdn Bhd situated at Cheras, Selangor Darul Ehsan. So what I do is, I check out the Exo Terra website and contact the address of retailer in Malaysia. I called them and they said, they do have all the products by Exo Terra and they supplied all the products to the ONE ESTABLISHED pet store in Malaysia which is Toby Reptiles & Exotics Sdn. Bhd. (main office at Pulau Pinang). To make short story, Toby Reptiles have 3 branches in Kuala Lumpur. One is at Ikano Power Center - The Pet Safari, second branch is at The Mines Shopping Fair, Sungai Besi and third branch is at Sunway Pyramid, Petaling Jaya.
There are many range of UVB output such 2.0, 5.0 and 10.0. Preffered is 5.0 at 26 watt for your turtles. Each bulb cost RM28.00 and I bought 2 bulbs and 1 clamp light fixture. Currently I'm using it for a month! It does wonder job to my turtles as their shell looks good and shining healthy. Note that, one bulb produce UVB rays for a year (12 months) so after that we need to change the bulb or buy new one. If the bulb does not broke or shatter, we still can use it as tank lighting for our turtles. I also buy this clamp light to hold the bulb.
Exo Terra Glow Light Porcelain Clamp Lamp (S)
So for those out there from Malaysia, who are turtles owner or anykind of other reptiles' owner can get their UVB bulb~!! Or for more details and information you guys can email me or just leave a message.
yr information really does helped alot~~~ find it from google..
save my life~~~
i have been searching for EXO-TERRA's bulb.. TQVM..
oh great~!! =P Proud to hear that. I love to helps people when needed.
hi bro
i am looking for himalayan croc newts.
does toby have them?
Hello there,
I'm a girl actually =P
Anyway I'm not sure whether Toby have that newts anymore.. I've seen one but not for sale.
Sorry can't help you much. I'm not into amphibians.
does the "Exo Terra Repti Glo 5.0 26 watt UVB Bulb" suits star-tortoise?
been thinking to get one for my tort.
Hi Ken,
E yup.. any type of reptiles should be okay using the bulb as the bulb is imitation of the sun light.
TQ for posting this,now i can look for the uvb bulb for my RES.Did you buy a heat lamp too?http://www.redearslider.com/forum/ucp.php?i=172
Good to know that there's someone who looks after their pets seriously..=D
hi how much did it cost for your clamp lamp and where you got it. The nearest place I can go to get these stuffs are Sunway Piramid. =)
I am new at keeping turtles as pet, Just bought 2 baby turtles. I didnt know anything about them needing sunlight.. and after I found out.. I though I should get one for them =)
hi, may i know where u bought the clamp light for your bulb?
hi there!
how much did it cost you for the clamp?? and any idea where is their main branch in penang??
i really need one for my RES who's having a little soft shell problem...:(
does the lamp provide some heat as well?
do reply! thankies! ;)
can someone tell me where to get the basking lamp in KL ???
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thanks dearie for this info... i just got myself 2 pair of red ears slider.... glad to find your blog and info... :)
Thank you for sharing , its really helpful for this information , im also searching for this UVB light .
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