Importance of UVB rays for turtles

Proper lighting is a critical aspect of keeping RES. Normally, natural SUN light provides beneficial elements necessary for healthy turtles. There are three main elements provided by correct lighting: UVA rays, UVB rays and heat. For turtle, UVA exposure is essential for normal behavior including activity, feeding and mating. UVB rays are crucial for your turtle’s health and development. UVB rays is necessary for the production of the vitamin D3 that is required for the metabolization of dietary calcium. Heat entices your turtle to bask. This warmth elevates their metabolism along with their digestive and immune systems. Drying off also helps hardening of the shell, scute shedding as well as minimizing algae growth and waterborne infections.

UVB’s primary importance for your RES is stimulating the natural production of the vitamin D3. This vitamin is required for the metabolization of dietary calcium and together with the calcium, plays a roll in the prevention of illnesses such as Metabolic Bone Disease. UVB rays, also out of the visible range, have UV wavelengths of 315–280 nm which are also referred to as Medium Wave. UVB causes sunburn and skin cancer in people. Exercise caution when looking at these bulbs directly.

Direct and unfiltered sunlight is the best source of UVB. For indoor setups, turtle keepers need to rely on providing UVB through special bulbs. These bulbs are specially manufactured to emit UVB rays and have special glass casings that allow the rays to pass through.

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